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While we continue to collect current data, we invite you to view the information from the last quarter, below.

Allstate Agency Value Index

Register to receive quarterly updates.

    Paul Clarke,

    We have temporarily discontinued new releases of the
    Allstate Agency Value Index. When we resume reporting, we will notify all subscribers. If
    you are not currently subscribed, you can sign up above.

    Having reviewed Over 4500 Allstate Agency transactions around the country since 2000, we're proud to bring you the first business value index designed exclusively for Allstate agents. If you're wondering what your Allstate agency is worth, our data, based on requests for financing through PPC LOAN, will give you a good idea.

    Be sure to register for our quarterly e-mail updates. While we continue to collect current data, we invite you to view the information, below. In the future, we plan to expand the index to include book size and other variables you may find useful.

    Use the Select Quarter box below to access data and editorial from previous quarters.

    Select Quarter